Absolutely not – older people are at a significantly higher risk of tooth decay, for a number of...Read all the answersOUR DENTISTS ANSWER YOUR MAIN QUESTIONS
Are older people safe from tooth decay?
Can children's teeth be protected with a varnish?
To prevent tooth decay, children and teenagers can have their teeth ‘varnished’: the dentist...Read all the answers -
Can I remove tartar by myself?
No – only a dentist can remove tartar, which is a build-up of solidified and mineralised dental...Read all the answers -
Do certain foods contribute more to the build-up of dental plaque?
Sticky foods stay on and between the teeth for longer and are more likely to invite dental...Read all the answers -
Do home teething remedies work?
In the past, parents often gave babies marshmallow roots to chew on when teething as this had a...Read all the answers -
Do sweets promote tooth decay?
When the bacteria in dental plaque digest sugars, they produce substances which then attack the...Read all the answers -
Do sweets really promote tooth decay?
When the bacteria in dental plaque digest sugars, they produce acids which then attack the...Read all the answers -
Do the first milk teeth need to be cleaned?
The enamel on milk teeth are more fragile than that of permanent teeth. Milk teeth, therefore,...Read all the answers -
Does vitamin C protect the gums?
It is true that a vitamin C deficiency may cause the gums to bleed. However, no studies have...Read all the answers -
Does whitening damage the tooth enamel?
Although the whitening procedure only temporarily increases the porosity of the enamel, dental...Read all the answers -
How can I tell if I have bad breath?
Wondering whether you have bad breath or not, is nerve-wracking. There's a quick test to...Read all the answers -
How can you help children to overcome their fear of the dentist?
Regular visits to the dentist are recommended (twice a year), at least from the age of three,...Read all the answers -
How do saliva substitutes work?
Saliva substitutes are products designed to keep the mouth lubricated for longer. These...Read all the answers -
How does a dentist whiten teeth?
There are three whitening techniques that can be performed at the dentist's office. ...Read all the answers -
How is Xerostomia diagnosed?
Xerostomia is the medical name for the condition commonly known as dry mouth. When dry mouth is...Read all the answers -
How should I brush my teeth if I have sensitive gums?
To avoid hurting sensitive gums when brushing, it's better to use a toothbrush that has soft...Read all the answers -
I have sensitive teeth, should I brush my teeth less often?
No, quite the opposite is true! Daily oral hygiene will reduce dentine hypersensitivity and...Read all the answers -
Is there a way of remedying tooth sensitivity?
Some of the substances in gels for sensitive teeth can reduce the transmission of painful...Read all the answers -
Should effective brushing make your gums bleed?
Contrary to popular belief, overly energetic brushing to remove dental plaque is not a good...Read all the answers -
Should I take fluoride supplements in addition to the fluoride in my toothpaste?
Special cases aside, the fluoride in cooking salt and fluoride toothpaste are usually sufficient...Read all the answers -
What brushing technique should I use to fight plaque?
The most effective technique, that won't damage the enamel or injure the gums, is to brush in a...Read all the answers -
What can be done to beat bad breath during the day?
If you are worried about how your breath smells and you cannot brush your teeth: ...Read all the answers -
What is halitophobia?
Many people are convinced, mistakenly, that they have bad breath. This phobia leads to social...Read all the answers -
What should I do if I grind my teeth at night?
Bruxism (grinding your teeth while you sleep) can damage the enamel and make teeth...Read all the answers -
What to do if you breathe through your mouth?
If dry mouth is brought on by mouth breathing, particularly at night, it is necessary to address...Read all the answers -
When should I consult a doctor about my child's teething?
Teething does not generally require a visit to the doctor's office. However, if teething is...Read all the answers -
When should you consult your dentist for mouth irritation or minor wounds?
If the irritation or oral injury is caused by braces, removable prosthetics (dentures) or the...Read all the answers -
Why do teeth lose their whiteness?
The fading whiteness or staining of our teeth is often caused by the habits of our everyday...Read all the answers